Business Coach for Witchy Folks - Megan Winkler, MBA

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How to Find Your Ideal Client

Soulful business owners do things differently, so we must ensure we’re attracting our ideal clients who align with our values and purpose. That’s easier said than done, though, so how do we really do it? How do we make sure that the people who are reaching out to you fit your ideal client avatar? Simply put, it requires your authenticity, creativity, and a deep understanding of your values.

Finding Your Ideal Client

When I first came out of the “broom closet” and claimed the moniker “Good Business Witch” for myself, I was afraid. How would my current clients respond to it? What would potential clients think about it? Would I get raked over the coals by people who were “friends” with me on Facebook but didn’t really impact my business? If this feels really familiar, I promise it’s not just you and I who have wondered these things.

Start with your values. This is the simplest way to understand what you really want your business to do and how you want it to be. Your values are the heart of your business, especially if you’re a solo business owner. Make a list of any words that reflect how you work and what you want to exemplify in your business. Here’s an example that I created for myself recently for a new project:

My values are:

  • Authenticity

  • Value

  • Magick in the mundane

  • Integrity

  • Fun

  • Experimentation

Now it’s your turn. Write down as many as you can think of, and then narrow it down to five or six words, at most.

Communicate Your Values to Your Ideal Client

When you create marketing content, make sure you’re communicating your values to your audience. Using the above list of values as an example, I showcase my authenticity by showing up imperfectly in my Instagram stories. I create value by sharing tips with my audience and my programs are of value because they help people achieve their goals. See what I mean?

I recommend posting a little note near where you regularly create your marketing content and focusing on those values when you work. This will keep them in mind for you and will help you gear everything toward one of these values.

Lead with Your Purpose to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Soulful business owners are driven by their purpose in their heart-centered work. Position your work as serving a bigger purpose - because it is! Yes, you may offer the service of Reiki sessions, but the larger purpose is healing for individuals, families, and communities. Explain how your retreats empower meaningful transformation or discuss how your coaching uplifts clients’ lives. This alignment of purpose will bring your ideal clients to your door.

Following your values and purpose will also help cut down on the time you spend creating marketing content. With a clear framework like your values to guide you, you can then sell your offers with lots more ease.

If you want to learn more about creating a more magickal, purposeful business, check out the MBA Program. It’s an 8-week course with a year of 1:1 strategy and support for soulful and spiritual business owners for just $99/month.