Business Coach for Witchy Folks - Megan Winkler, MBA

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The Business I had to Close

Storytime! You know I'm all about transparent business building, so today's story is about how I had to close a business. Yep, I'm a business strategist/coach and I will 100% tell you about my failed business.

Ok, so what happened?

I earned a certification in a neuroscience-backed meditation modality. I was so excited to get started!

I learned all about energetics, neuroscience, and how to lead meditation sessions. I learned about creating safety and not triggering my students. I studied Buddhism, modern biology, and the chakras.

I had no clue how to market and sell my services.

And the thing is, as a heart-led business owner, I felt weird selling to people. It felt icky. There was definitely a part of me that felt like I was somehow devaluing the work because I had to market and sell it.

Does this sound familiar?

As someone with mindfulness, coaching, and Reiki certifications, I know firsthand that we learn the energetics and healing techniques...but nothing about running a business.

And, of course, without sales and income, my business became an expensive hobby. It actually cost me money to teach meditation classes.

At that point, it doesn't matter how good the "business" feels and how aligned the work is to your soul. You can't keep paying to work.

I was crushed to have to move on from my meditation business, and I don't want this to happen to you.

We all deserve to be able to support ourselves while doing purpose-driven work.

So, what did I do? I dived into marketing blogs, newsletters, and coaching programs. I worked in corporate marketing departments and helped build business development departments (corporate is NOT my thing, for the record). I turned that experience into a thriving business that helps other businesses thrive. I even went back to grad school and got my freakin' MBA!

And now I've combined all that experience and strategy into The Magickal Business Activation Program. In the few short months we've been working together, members have already taken giant leaps of faith in themselves, have honed their focus to bring in ideal clients, and have accomplished milestones like:

  • launching their websites,

  • creating lead magnets,

  • setting up new email service providers, and

  • redefining their calendar to support their individual energy needs and work styles.

The doors to The MBA Program are open until March 20th 2024. It's just $99/month for 12 months or a one-time investment of $999 for lifetime access to the course content and community, which includes monthly group Q&A/mastermind sessions.

You also get 12 1:1 strategy sessions with me to use over the course of the year. My normal rate is $150 an hour for a strategy call, so you're getting an amazing deal by coming to get your MBA with me!

Are you ready to have a thriving business that you LOVE?