Business Coach for Witchy Folks - Megan Winkler, MBA

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New Moon in Aquarius: Spirituality & Innovation in Your Business

A powerful New Moon in Aquarius arrives on February 9th, 2024 at 6:00 pm ET. This lunation brings opportunities for spiritual growth, innovation, and greater independence. With the Aquarian influence, we can break free of conventions and outdated ways of thinking. The rebel planet Uranus rules this air sign, so expect your rebellious side to emerge! Let this lunation inspire you to set intentions that align with your highest purpose.

The New Moon in Aquarius - 2024

The New Moon encourages starting fresh. It's a chance to rewrite our futures. With the Sun and Moon joining forces in Aquarius, we gain the courage to walk new paths. If you've been feeling constrained by traditions or other people's expectations, now is the time to stretch your wings. Your soul is calling - are you listening? Don't let fears hold you back from making much-needed changes.

Saturn & the Moon

Saturn's presence during this New Moon asks us to commit to what's truly important. Consider your core values and highest aspirations. Society's conditioning can skew our perceptions, so reflect honestly on your authentic desires. What Vision wishes to emerge through you? The rebellious Aquarius energy can help distinguish between external and internal motivations.

Uranus Rules Aquarius

Uranus, the great awakener, also influences this lunation. Its square to the Moon may create tension between our urge for security (Taurus) and our need for progress (Aquarius). If fears arise amidst change, ground yourself in the present moment. Release attachments to how things used to be. The stability of Taurus will help you flow with necessary transformations.

During this New Moon, boldly dream, create, and imagine! Stretch beyond self-imposed limits and manifest something extraordinary. Your intentions hold power - believe in your magic. You are wonderfully unique. Claim your agency to architect the life your soul truly desires.

New Moon in Aquarius Forecast

For Aquarius Suns and Risers, have patience if results aren't immediate. You'll feel energized during this lunation, so enjoy moving quickly.

For Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo Suns/Risers - watch for overspending as emotions intensify.

For Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Libra, and Gemini Suns/Risers, use this New Moon to simplify life and release draining people/situations.

Stay true to your inner wisdom and highest aspirations. This Aquarius New Moon supports fresh beginnings aligned with your soul's purpose. May you break free of limitations and boldly follow your dreams. The possibilities are endless!